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  • Tags: 1938

1938.06.22.EH.ET_Farewell Dances at Eire Ports.pdf
Newspaper article detailing Farewell Dances taking place at Fort Camden, Fort Carlisle, Fort Templebreedy and Spike Island, the Cork Harbour Forts which, under the Anglo-Irish Agreement, are being evacuated by their British garrisons and are to be…
Corp Training - Year 1
Uaire = Time
Ceachtanna Corp Oiliúna Bunaidh = Corp Basic Training Lessons 12 weeks
Ceachtanna Corp Oiliúna Catha = Battlefield Training 42 weeks
Snámh agus Tartháil = Swimming and Rescue 12 weeks
Hand written Ordnance Training Notes listing the different types of Guns in use 1904 - 1945
Quick Fire 7" Howitzer Mark 2: 1917 Mountain Machine Gun
Ordnance Q. F. 75 mm Mark 1: WW2 British Tank Gun
Ordnance Q. F. 18 P.R Mark 2: 1094 -…

1938.05.28_CE_training troops.pdf
Newspaper article: The transfer of Treaty ports to the Government of Éire. Cork harbour forts currently manned by 700 British Troops. A number of technical officers & N. C. O's remaining for some time, to assist in the advanced training of new Irish…

An account of the forthcoming Ceremony to mark the Handover of Irish Treaty Ports to the Irish Free State.

The Guthrie Rolling Bridge was invented by Mr. C. T. Guthrie. In 1869 it became a standard feature of many Palmerston Forts being constructed during this time frame. This type of bridge was installed in Fort Camden and remained in operation up until…

This Bible was presented to the Church Hut in Fort Camden by Commander & Mrs. W. Hodder May 1936. It was presented to the Church with a gift of £50, by the 33rd Coy. Royal Engineers on their departure July 1938 after 83 years residence in Fort…
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