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| + Knocking on Heaven’s Door ….

Templebreedy | + Knocking on Heaven’s Door ….

An Interactive 3D VR Digital Storybook

#TemplebreedyGraveyard, in the mouth of Cork Harbour has always been there on our Doorstep, with it’s eclectic mix of entangled headstones, trees, hedgerows, tall grasses & wildflowers; spanning generations, encompassing the ruin of #St.MatthewsChurch. Many of the #Headstones are difficult to decipher & more are upended, along with growing concerns that the #ChurchSteeple may be lost to future Generations. This has prompted, a renewed graveyard cleanup, utilizing #Goatscaping along with #Volunteerism and an #AdoptAGravestone Initiative.

I decided to provide a platform: https://deochandoras.com | Templebreedy Archive and construct a method through which these elements, could be recorded. The idea is to create a #crowdsourced #3DVR #Interactive #Digital #Storybook that can offer fascinating insights and an educational perspective into our evolving community, revealing how past lives have shaped our villages and towns beyond.

Providing a way for families to celebrate & remember loved ones & the forgotten, through 24/7/365 Global Virtual Access (#GVA).

Check out https://deochandoras.com as Templebreedy | + Knocking on Heaven’s Door …. is revealed throughout Heritage Week. An Interactive 3D VR Digital Storybook brought to you by Templebreedy Archive | A Crosshaven Community Project.

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